Why Guests are not receiving messages?

If your guest is not receiving the scheduled messages, please verify the below information.

  1. Verify if the contract has been signed.
  2. Check to see if there's a remaining balance on the reservation.
  3. Verify the guest has a valid phone number on the guest's page.
  4. If the guest's phone is an international number, verify on the guest's page there is the international country code in the phone number field.
  5. On the Guests page, verify the guest's phone number is correct and there are only numbers and no characters in the phone field. (i.e. cell, guest name).
  6. Check the Property ID on the Property Guide and verify that it matches exactly with what is in your rental software.
  7. Make sure there is a Destination Guide attached to the Property Guide.
  8. Verify the guest's email.
  9. Check your SMS delivery hours under Settings/Messages.
  10. Was there a change to the sending rule on the scheduled message?
  11. If this was a last-minute reservation, verify your scheduled messages have the toggle for Include in Last Minutes Bookings is turned on.
  12. Check the Automated Text Sent under reports to confirm there was not an error when the message was sent.