Introducing SMS Webchat

SMS Webchat gives you an online chat feature for your website to turn potential guests into paying guests without the cost or hassle of monitoring a traditional online chatbox.

Click to watch video about SMS Webchat

As the name states, SMS Webchat is SMS-based. With SMS Webchat, there’s:

  • No need to constantly monitor the chatbox and reply instantly
  • No need to pay for extra staff to oversee the chatbox
  • No more lost connections — and lost business — when a prospective guest gets tired of waiting for you online

When a website visitor uses the SMS Webchat, a pop-up form is presented requesting their name and phone number so you can text them back. The conversation then moves to text, so you’re in control of when you and your team get in touch. Respond to visitors using the RueBaRue mobile app or your desktop inbox. Visitors, in turn, control their end of the conversation and never have to stare at a blank phone or computer while waiting for a reply.

SMS Webchat captures leads for your vacation rental business each time a prospective guest fills out the pop-up form.