How do I create a Five-Star Review survey link?

  1. Create a Survey to send out to guests if they choose a four-star rating or less.
  2. Create a message on the scheduler and use the [FiveStarLink] macro.
    Example: Thank you for staying with us. How would you rate your experience at Rental?
  3. Click Settings
  4. Click Five Star Review
  5. Add URL links where you would like guests to leave a review when you receive a five-star rating.
  6. Click on the bottom dropdown 4 Star and Below Survey.
  7. Click Save.

When you send the message asking guests to rate their experience, they will receive a message with a link. The link opens a window that will show "Five Stars." If the guest clicks on five stars, they will have the option to write a review from one of the links that you added in the Five Star Review settings.
To find your Google Review link, go to My Google Business page and click Manage Now. Scroll down about halfway and on your right, you will see Get Reviews.
Click on the link to get the link for Google Reviews and add the link in the settings for the Five Star Review.
If the guest clicks four stars or less, they will be sent to the survey you created asking why they did not award five stars.