Create a Home Guide

Follow these step-by-step instructions to create home guides for each existing property and each new property you add.
  1. Log on to the RueBaRue app at This will take you to the RueBaRue Welcome page.
  2. Go to the Home Guides page on the top menu.
  3. Click + Home Guide.
4. Type the address of your property, and select an option from the auto-suggest drop-down list. Select an appropriate area guide to attach to the home guide if you've already created one. This step can be done later.
5. Click Continue.
6. This will take you to the Edit Home Guide page. The platform will replicate all the sections from your Master Home Guide.
7. To edit the property name, click the edit icon next to the suggested name on top of the page (above tabs/menus). Match this name to your property name on your website for consistency.
8. To edit section content, click the edit icon. See style shortcuts to improve the appearance and clarity of the content.
9. To edit the title, you will need to update the Master Home Guide.
10. To hide a property item, click the toggle icon.
11. To reset content from the Master Home Guide, click the reset icon.
12. To preview your changes, click Guest View.
13. Go back to the Home Guides page, and add a Property Id by clicking on Add a PMS ID for this rental. The Property ID should match the ID in your rental software.
14. To update the icons go to the Master Home Guide.
15. Click on the current icon and pick an image you like. The image is saved automatically.
Contact Support for assistance with setting up your account.