Add an Alert

Use this section to send an alert to all your guests by email or SMS/text. The alert will use guest information such as arrival date, name, phone, and email address. 
  1. Go to the Alerts page.
  2. Click Add an Alert.
  3. Add the Alert Name (this is visible only to you and not to the guest).
  4. Select Text from a template if you have one or create the message in the message box.
  5. Use tags to send alerts to select properties (Learn more about Tags here).
  6. On the Guests drop-down menu, select from Staying, Arriving or Departing.
  7. Next, select Staying on or between, and then select the date.
  8. You can Send Now or Schedule it for a later date.
  9. Select how you want to send the alert, either by SMS or email.
  10. Click View Macros to personalize the alert.
  11. Click Save if sending immediately or Schedule if you have scheduled the message to be sent at a later date.